Musical Theatre stars to release new album Lauren Samuels & Sophie Evans celebrate the music of Judy Garland
‘Chasing Rainbows, Finding Judy’ will be released on July 2nd
First single, ‘The Rainbow’s End’, is available now.
London, Friday April 30th: Lauren Samuels and Sophie Evans first found fame when they met on the hit BBC1 show ‘Over the Rainbow’. Both ladies made it to the final and were highly praised by Andrew Lloyd Webber and have gone on to have hugely successful stage careers. To celebrate a decade since the show first aired, Sophie and Lauren have reunited to record this stunning album of songs made famous by Judy Garland, the original Dorothy in ‘The Wizard of Oz’. The first single from the album, ‘The Rainbow’s End’, is released today.
The idea for the album was born out of a desire Lauren & Sophie had not only to collaborate and to celebrate how they met, but also to bring Judy’s music to a new audience – hearing these classic songs performed by younger voices. The album has been beautifully produced by Grammy-nominated producer James McMillan.
Lauren said: ‘It was very tough to choose what to record as there are so many incredible Judy songs, but we wanted to include songs that we performed on ‘Over the Rainbow’ and also songs that we hope people will know and love’.
From Sophie: ‘This is the biggest project we have done together since ‘Over the Rainbow’. We have sang at concerts together but never anything this big!’
Lauren & Sophie will be performing songs from the album live at Crazy Coqs, London on July 27th, 9pm. Tickets are available to be there in person, or to watch the stream at:
‘Chasing Rainbows, Finding Judy’ will be the first release from new label, Alpha Music & Records, part of Alpha Solutions – a group of companies that has over 35 years’ experience of combining business services with unique lifestyle offerings.
Album pre-order link:
1: On The Sunny Side Of The Street
2: Together
3: Trolley Song
4: Over The Rainbow
5: This Can’t Be Love
6: The Boy Next Door
7: The Man That Got Away
8: Get Happy
9: By Myself
10: As Long As He Needs Me
11: Almost Like Being In Love
12: The Rainbows End
13: Always Chasing Rainbows
14: Happy Days / Get Happy